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Library Procedures and Policies

Library Procedures and Policies


Ms. Anna McGuire, BA, MS
Library Media Director

Regular Hours of Operation

School Days 7:50 AM – 3:20 PM

Visiting the Library

Students may come to the library before school, after school, at lunch, and during passing time (student can get a pass to go to class).  Students can also get a pass from their teachers to come to the library during class.  


As in all other areas of the school, students should SOAR:

  • Safe! Stay in your personal space.  Follow library procedures. 
  • Organized! Keep track of your time.  Know how long you can be in the library.  Remember you can request books online to be delivered to your class!
  • Accountable! Return your library books on time and in good condition.  If you need to keep a book longer, you can request to renew the book.
  • Respectful! Follow all adult directions.  Wait your turn to speak.  Respect yourself, others, and the space. 

Book Checkout Procedures

  • Students may check out five books at time.  
  • Students may come to the library to check out books or request books through the library catalog.  Requested books will generally be delivered to the student on the next school day.
  • Books check out for three weeks.
  • Students may renew books three times, unless the book has a hold on it (see below).
  • Overdue notices are generally sent out once a week to students through their school email.

Book Return Procedures

There are two book return bins - one outside the library doors that is accessible even if the library is closed and one at the circulation desk.

It is the individual student's responsibility to return books on time.  Due dates are usually stamped inside the cover.  However, if a student didn't have the book with them when they renewed it, it may not have the correct date stamped.  Students may always stop by and ask when their books are due and they can also log in to their library account and check their due dates online.  Students should always return or renew books before the due date! 

Renewing Books

Renewing a book is like checking it out again. It gives the student three more weeks.  If there are any holds on a book, students may not be able to renew the book.  If the student has no overdue books and has no fines, they can renew their library books online.  Students can generally renew their books three times.

Placing a Hold

Students may wish to check out a book that is already checked out to another student. They may get in line for that book by placing a hold. Students request a hold by letting the librarian know (in person or via email) or students can place their own holds online.  When possible, the librarian will purchase another copy of the book for every five holds placed by students.

Interlibrary Loan Books

Students have access to books at most of the Livonia Public School Libraries.  This is called an Interlibrary Loan (or ILL).  Students can request an ILL by talking to the librarian. If a student wishes to check out a book that is only available at the high school level, they must bring in a signed permission slip.  Students can also borrow books that come from the public library.  These requests also require a permission slip.  

The lending library determines the due date of these books.  Books received through ILL may have overdue fines.

Lost/Damaged Books

Students will be charged the replacement cost of the book in cases of lost and/or damaged books.  If a student has fine for a lost/damaged book, s/he will be able to check out one book until the fine has been cleared.